Jeudi 2 juin 2016 - Séminaire HImaST - F.Ferrando

La deuxième séance du séminaire Histoire de l’Imaginaire Scientifique et Technique organisé dans le cadre de l’axe interdisciplinaire « Histoire des Idées, des Sciences et des Arts » de l’Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis aura lieu le jeudi 2 juin 2016 à 10h30. Francesca Ferrando (New-York University) y présentera une conférence. Celle-ci aura lieu dans la salle des conseils du campus Carlone.



Conférence de Francesca Ferrando

The Post-Human Age, Our Age

jeudi 2 juin 2016, à 10h30

Salle du Conseil, campus Carlone

Argumentaire: Posthumanism is the philosophy of our age. Precisely because it is a movement which is happening, it should be understood as a composite, variegated and fluid scenario, more than a homogeneous approach. “Posthuman” refers to a variety of different currents and schools of thought, including Posthumanism, Transhumanism, New Materialism and Antihumanism. This lecture will explore the differences and relations between them, focusing in particular on their role as analytical and creative tools in understanding the present and envisioning our futures.
Conférencière: Francesca Ferrando, Ph.D., teaches Philosophy at NYU, Program of Liberal Studies. She is a TED speaker and one of the founders of the NY Posthuman Research Group. US magazine “ORIGIN” named her one of the 100 Top Creatives making change in the world. Her book “Philosophical Posthumanism and its Others”, coming out in Italian by ETS Press, was awarded the philosophical prize "Vittorio Sainati" with the Acknowledgment of the President of Italy. For more info:
Ce séminaire est ouvert à tous, et vous y êtes cordialement invités.
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
MSHS Sud-Est